No Sex Please, We're British

1982-1983 SEASON


No Sex Please, We're British (1983)

The Cast

Role Actor
Peter Hunter Bob Currie
Frances Hunter Gale Boepple
Brian Runnicles Tom Tyler
Eleanor Hunter Phyllis Gillette
Leslie Bromhead Tom Lyttle
Superintendent Paul Anthony East
Mr. Needham Albert Braun
Delivery Man Richard Sullivan
Susan Gayle Forman
Barbara Cyndi Sunshine

Production Team

Production Role
Director Dan Duckworth
Production Coordinator Phyllis Gillette
Production Coordinator Elizabeth Moore
Stage Manager Franklin Fry
Stage Manager Vera Gisoldi
Costume Design Elizabeth Moore
Costume Design Isobel Mitchell
Set Design Steve Olson
Scenic Artist John McDonough
Lighting Design Thomas Haight
Lighting Design Richard Singer
Sound Design Jerry King
Sound Design Paul Richardson
Props and Set Decoration Joyce Pridham
Props and Set Decoration Carol Petersen
Makeup/Wigs Letitia Lum

The Playbill (3)