Summer Youth Theatre Auditions for ANNIE, Jr. ~ Sign Up for an Appointment

To schedule an audition, email, with a preferred day and time. Every effort will be made to schedule your audition as close to the requested time as possible. All roles are open.
For the audition, students should prepare a song from the Broadway musical of their choice. Songs should be memorized, and students should bring sheet music in the appropriate key. An accompanist will be provided, but students can also sing to a recorded track if they prefer.
Unpaid and/or Credit Internships are also available for high school or college students interested in creative and technical positions (i.e. props, costumes, choreography, etc.). Interested parties can email for more information.
- Program Dates – July 10th to August 13th
- Schedule - Monday to Friday, 9am to 1pm
- Performances – August 11th & 12th
- Ages 10 to 18
- Tuition - $825/Student
(includes all sessions, two complimentary tickets, and a show t-shirt)