Auditions for 24th Annual Jersey Voices One-Act Festival



24th Annual Jersey Voices One-Act Festival

The Chatham Community Players will hold open auditions for its 24th annual Jersey Voices One-Act Festival.  Auditions will be held on Monday, May 21 and Tuesday, May 22, both from 7:30 to 9:30 pm.  All auditions will be held at the Chatham Playhouse, 23 North Passaic Ave., Chatham. Performances will take place on July 27 and 28, and August 3, 4, and 5th.

They are looking for men, ages 20s to 70s and women, ages 20s to 70.  Actors may read from sides available at the auditions or they may present a monologue.  For those who are interested in becoming familiar with the one-acts, full scripts will be available for reading at the Library of The Chathams - across the street from the Playhouse. Actors are encouraged to fill out the Audition Form found in this notice and bringing it with you to the audition.

The Chatham Players have an open call. ALL roles are open, none are precast, and actors of color are encouraged to audition. Any questions please send an email to   For directions or additional information, please visit Jersey Voices has provided a venue for New Jersey playwrights to showcase their work since 1995.

Presented One-Act Plays are:

“Romance 101” by Brianna Keller, Directed by George Seylaz: Unlucky in love, Travis decides to learn from the ladies of the ROMANCE 101 book club.  Join Patti, Meredith, Sally and Gladys as they teach young Travis a thing or two about Love and Romance.

  • Travis (20's). Boyish and slightly socially awkward.
  • Sally (20's). Shy, but smart – and a hopeless romantic.
  • Patti (50-60). Sally’s aunt. Pushy, a natural leader.
  • Gladys (70). Outspoken and unapologetic – prone to napping.
  • Meredith (30's). Aspiring romance novelist – newly engaged.

“Squirrel Tames Human” by Luigi Jannuzzi, Directed by Kevern Cameron: Chip has bet Junior a winter’s stash of acorns that he is the squirrel that knows how to train human behavior.

  • Chip and Junior – both squirrels. Age and sex unimportant but must be a little nuts.

“Free Pass” by Tom Baum, Directed by Arnold Buchiane: A widower in his late 60s meets a woman in her 40s at a hotel bar – is there love after the death of a loved one?

  • Waylon (late 60's)
  • Tara (40's)

“Foster” by Jerrod Bogard, Directed by Joann Scanlon: Foster parents meet with their social worker about  issues with their foster son. The parents don’t share the same perspective, but important choices must be made.

  • Duane (25 – 40). Has a glimmer of hope that he can be the man he wants to be.
  • Jen (25 – 40). Duane’s wife. Trying to save her family.
  • Carla (30+). Social Worker. Somewhat daunted, but fighting the good fight.

“Bug Rescuing” by Judy Klass, Directed by Lauri MacMillan: Joan joins Michael on his corporate retreat. How do a couple navigate their differences?

  • Joan (20's-30's). Intense, artistic and can appear aloof. Definitely not the typical corporate spouse
  • Michael (20's-30's). Witty and sweet – a corporate citizen, but a geek at heart

“The Rub of the Green” by Tom Tunnington, Directed by Elizabeth Rogers: after many years, a combat veteran goes to the only place that he can still be with his comrades.

  • Pop (60-70). A Viet Nam veteran trying to face feelings about what happened long ago.
  • Dusty (20's). A young war veteran who helps Pop to ease his mind.

“The King” by Nicole Pandolfo, Directed by Steven Ruskin: a late night backstage meeting - a Las Vegas Elvis impersonator meets someone who might just be the genuine article.

  • Dwayne (30's-50's).  An Elvis Presley impersonator who does the 70's Vegas Style Elvis,
  • Elvis (70's though he may read younger).  The King is older but still very cool.