Notice is hereby made of the Chatham Community Players Election Meeting to be held on Wednesday, March 13, 2019 at 7:30 P.M. at The Chatham Playhouse. All Regular Members are invited to attend and vote. The requirement to be a Regular Member is to pay dues of $5 or to work as a volunteer for five hours. Registration of Regular Members will be held prior to voting.
On the agenda is the election of the Officers of Chatham Community Players, Inc., for the term of July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2021. The slate proposed by the Nomination Committee, chaired by Maybelle Cowan-Lincoln, current Past President, is as follows:
President --------------- Joe DeVico
Vice-President -------- Leslie Williams
Secretary --------------- Kate Pierce
Treasurer --------------- Chip Prestera
Business Manager --- Ed Whitman
Past President -------- Joelle Bochner
A petition for the nomination of an additional candidate for any office of the Corporation shall be submitted in writing and signed by at least 5% of the Regular Members (three). Such nominating petition shall be submitted to the Secretary thirty (30) days prior to the Election Meeting in order for the individuals to be placed in nomination.
The Regular Members present at any meeting of the Corporation shall constitute a quorum for all purposes, and a majority of the Regular Members present shall decide all questions. Any Regular Member who is unable to attend an Election Meeting shall be permitted to submit an absentee ballot to the Secretary prior to the Election Meeting by email to the Secretary (