Chatham Players is seeking female presenting actor/singers for several ensemble roles in Nine, the musical, with music & lyrics by Maury Yeston and book by Arthur Kopit. Nine offers the rarest of musical theater ensemble opportunities; a chance to show off your acting with multiple roles and sing in the majority of musical numbers in various styles. Singers/Dancers are also needed for some of the ensemble roles. The ensemble of Nine is integral to the story and is woven throughout this touching tale.
The auditions will be this Sunday, February 4th at 6:30pm at the Chatham Playhouse - 23 North Passaic Ave. Chatham, NJ. Actors will be asked to sing 16 bars from a piece similar to the style of “NINE”. We are looking for actors and singers of all ethnicities and backgrounds. Please download and complete the audition form below and bring to the auditions.
Production dates are May 3 - 18, 2024 with rehearsal scheduled to begin mid-February. Elizabeth Rogers directs and Emily Bengels is the Musical Director with Amanda Pappa and Matt Mancuso as the Choreographers.
The Chatham Players have an open call casting policy. ALL roles are open, none are precast, and everyone is encouraged to audition. Any questions, please call Gus Ibranyi at (201)-563-0362 or email For directions or additional related information, please visit
Funding has been made possible in part by Morris Arts through the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/Department of State, a Partner Agency of the National Endowment for the Arts.