Christmas Cards

2013-2014 SEASON


Christmas Cards (2013)

Aware of the playwright’s deep rooted love for Christmas, Producer Leslie Reagoso and Director John A.C.Kennedy asked G. David Post to write a few sketches for a holiday offering in December.

Post remembers, “well, one look at my eight foot revolving Christmas tree with 1200 European glass ornaments is enough to tell you how much I love Christmas. When I was offered the opportunity to write some sketches for a holiday show, I jumped at the chance.”

The playwright found inspiration and ideas very easy to come by. Post explained, “If you took a guy who grew up watching the Rankin-Bass Christmas Specials, Carol Burnett and the X-Files and asked him to write a collection of sketches for a holiday Christmas show, I’m pretty sure he’d come up with the same pieces I came up with.”

The first script he completed was inspired by a story that a friend shared with him about his childhood. The next was inspired by one of his coworkers, who envisioned a courtroom scene that Post assured him he didn’t have the faintest idea how to write. The same coworker inspired his favorite piece; a treatment of the Christmas Truce of World War I.

“This amazing story, of which I had never before heard, came to haunt me during the development of the work,” admitted Post.

If “life is like a box of chocolates”, then the holidays are kind of like a mailbox, where some cards are silly, some cards are thoughtful, but they all come from the heart.

Leading the artistic team is Director, John A.C. Kennedy of Springfield. Having directed over 15 productions in Virginia, CA, NYC and NJ, this will be his directorial debut at the Chatham Playhouse. John earned his MFA in Acting from the California Institute of the Arts and was Executive Producer of the CalArts New Play Festival in Los Angeles, CA.

The Cast

Role Actor
Pearl Joëlle Bochner
Bill/Stan/Thomas Scott Tyler
Bella/Sissy/Lissa/Kate/ Julie Anne Nolan
Andy/Narrator John A.C. Kennedy
Sheila/Mom Leslie Williams Ellis
Gringo/Kris/Charlie Michael Harvey
Todd/Dog Chip Prestera
Lois/Krissy/Kelly Vikki Massulli
Kyle/Nick/Bud Howard Fischer
Jessie/Sparkle S. Lynn Rase
Santa/Linus Ronan Green
Teddystuffer/Edith Kathy Prestera
Ali/Klaus Glen D. Post
Dollymaker/Nathalie/Tinkerbell Kristin Bennett
Marc/Fernando Jacob Lesser
Elf Dexter Kennedy
Winter/Jerry/Franz Bruce Gandy

Photo Gallery (35)


Production Team

Production Role
Producer Leslie Williams Ellis
Director John A.C. Kennedy
Musical Director Evelyn McNair
Choreographer Shannon Barry O'Grady
Stage Manager Andrea Herbert Young
Set Design Steve Ruskin
Lighting Design Richard Hennessy
Sound Design Joe DeVico
Costume Design Maryann B. Post
Scenic Artist Donna Post