One Weekend Only, Chatham Community Players’ newest theatrical offering, will be holding auditions for Rajiv Joseph's "Gruesome Playground Injuries", directed by Katie Toledo. One Weekend Only was born of the desire to find a dedicated place at the theater for a different kind of production. These shows have smaller casts, smaller sets, and are staged up close to our audiences. The subject matter may be challenging. The humor may be on the dark side. The drama may be intense.
Auditions will be held on Monday, January 16th and Tuesday, January 17th at 7:00 pm at The Chatham Playhouse 23 North Passaic Ave. Chatham, NJ. Performances are March 24 -26, 2023. Actors will be asked to read from sides provided below at the audition.
Gruesome Playground Injuries explores the lives of two best friends as they navigate the complications of growing up and growing apart over the span of thirty years. As the memories unfold, Kayleen and Doug learn that the scars of growing pains are both physical and emotional.
Character Descriptions:
- Kayleen - ages 8 - 38, keeps her guard up. Growing up in a tumultuous household with an abusive father and several broken relationships, she ages learning to swallow her smile. Kayleen has a chronic stomach condition that causes her to throw up blood– Something her mother said was anxiety-related. But whether it's illness or anxiety, Kayleen keeps her external self-hardened as a shield against a harsh world.
- Doug - ages 8 - 38, would break every bone in his body once just to know how it feels. He’s an extrovert, a daredevil, and a foolish boy trying to make it all make sense. Doug has ADHD, and it shows. He’s a little late with social cues. But his heart is desperate to connect to someone else who can match his curiosity for life. The world may not understand him but he desperately, and dangerously, is trying to understand the world.
The Chatham Players have an open call casting policy. ALL roles are open, none are precast, and everyone is encouraged to audition. Any questions, please call Gus Ibranyi at (201)-563-0362 or email For directions or additional information, please visit
Breakdown of Sides for Audition
Scene 2
- START Page 12 “Doctor said I’m gonna be blind in one eye”
- END Page 13 “Wow, you’re really drunk aren’t you.”
Scene 3
- START Page 16 “Did you throw up blood?”
- END Page 17 “I’m accident prone. That’s what my mom says I am”
Scene 7
- START Page 33 “It’s so good to see you"
- END Page 33 “Fine"
Scene 4, (monologue)
- START Page 21 “Goddamn it”
- END Page 22 “...personal safety you dumb piece of shi**”
Scene 5
- START Page 25 D: “What?” K: “Nothing” D: “What?”
- END Page 26 “Tim will beat you up”
Scene 7
- START Page 35 “Are you okay?”
- END Page 35 “Don’t”